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Congress enacted the National Voter Registration Act of 1993 (also known as the "NVRA" and the "Motor Voter Act"), to enhance voting opportunities for every American. The Act has made it easier for all Americans to register to vote and to maintain their registration. Students can get voter registration information from the Campus Information and Visitors Services desk in the Student Services building on the Arnold campus or visit the Maryland State Board of Elections website.  

Register to Vote

What is your plan for voting? Voting and the process for voting can be stress-inducing and difficult to navigate. Below you will find important information about candidates, creating a plan and deadlines.

You can register to vote or update your voter information several ways.

  • Online
  • By mail
  • In person at your election office
  • At an early voting center

Look up your voter registration.

Learn how to complete the Voter Registration Form.

For information about state of Maryland voting deadlines, the Maryland State Board of Elections website.

The State of Maryland allows voting the following ways:

  • Polling Place Voting
  • Election Day (Same Day) Voter Registration
  • Absentee Voting without Excuse
  • Early Voting
  • Provisional Voting
  • Overseas Absentee Voting
  • Military Absentee Voting

Find additional details on the ways to vote below.

Mail-in Ballots and Mail-in Voting

Maryland provides a safe way for registered voters to vote by mail. You may request a mail-in ballot for one election or all future elections. It is important to note if you decide to vote in person after requesting a mail-in ballot, you will have to use a provisional ballot. 

Learn more about mail-in ballots and mail-in voting.

Early Voting

Any registered voter may vote early. If you are not yet registered to vote and would like to vote early, both can be done at the voting center in the county where you live. To register, you will need to provide documentation.

Learn more about documentation and early voting.

Voting In-person

To vote in person on election day, you will need to locate your polling site. Make note of polling center hours.

Access for Voters with Disabilities

All of Maryland’s early voting centers are accessible to voters with disabilities.

Learn more about the access for voters with disabilities.

Student Voting Coordinator

Amberdawn Cheatham
SUN 223

Student Voting Plan

AACC Resources for Voting

Office of Student Engagement
SUN 225

Legal Studies Institute
CRSC 232

To be more involved with student voting and voting awareness, contact the student voting coordinator.